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Download area for our suppliers


General explanations:
  1. CSR-Tool: We use Integrity Next; As approved supplier you will get an invitation directly by Integrity Next to participate in 5 assessments. (Environmental Protection; Human Rights & Labor; Health & Safety; Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery; Supply Chain Responsibility) The registration is free of charge for you and you can invite as many colleagues as you need to answer the questions. The questions are on a simple base but are strictly connected to the law.
  2. Business Partner Check: The check will be done in our E-Procurement-tool ASTRAS; By registering you will have to fill in your company data and upload your certificates + once a year the system sends you a reminder to check and update your data. This system is our communication basis to you, here you will get for example your monthly supplier evaluation (serial suppliers) or have the possibility to quote, if you are invited to a new sourcing.
  3. Whistleblower-Tool: Grammer is obligated (among others by the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act) to establish a reporting channel for violations of certain requirements (e.g. Human Rights, Health & Safety and Environmental Protection) and to make this reporting channel known. This also applies to third parties, i.e. our suppliers. We are also obligated to work towards ensuring that this is continued in this way in our supply chain. Violations at a supplier = Violation at Grammer!


Documents valid from 01.01.2023


Documents until 14.06.2023 (change limited to reference to GRAMMER Supplier Code of Conduct)


Documents valid until 31.12.2022