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Corporate Governance

GRAMMER pursues the goal of responsible and transparent corporate management and control (corporate governance). This is based on statutory regulations, the Articles of Association of GRAMMER AG, the rules of procedure of the Executive and Supervisory Boards and the German Corporate Governance Code (Code), which are taken into account in all decision-making processes.

Management & Supervisory Board

Here you can find out more about the Executive Board, Executive Committee and Supervisory Board of GRAMMER AG.



Corporate governance report and statement pursuant to section 289a of the German Commercial Code (HGB)


Compliance Declaration (German only)


Articles of Association


Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board


Remuneration Report


Directors' Dealings


Any persons working in a management capacity for an issuer of shares are required under Art. 19 of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 on market abuse (MAR) to inform the issuer and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of any transaction involving company shares or financial instruments pertaining to these shares in which they themselves engage. The same applies to certain persons closely related to or connected with the managers mentioned above.

The following transactions were reported to GRAMMER AG (in accordance with Art. 19 MAR since July 3, 2016, previously in accordance with Section 15a of the German Securities Trade Act):